domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Stupid confessions of a chocoholic

I'm a chocoholic. Don't laugh -it's serious. At the moment my addiction isn't too bad.
I've cut down my intake to one block a day, and some days I get by on a chocolate biscuit or two. But at its worst it's a complete obsession- the swetter, the stickier, the richer it is the better. My eyes light up just thinking about it.

I can eat any kind, even the cheap cooking chocolate that turns most people off. And fostunately I caneat as much sugar as I like without putting on weight. Like other addicts, most chocoholics deny they have a problem. I know I'm hooked on chocolate, but I certainly don't intend to give up eating it.

This is from the Oxford First Certificate Masterclass student's Book of Simon Haines and Barbara Stewart.

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